19Photovoltaic Integration in Electricity Networks and Markets

Task Managers

Following up on the achievements of Task 14, Task 19 main purposes are to advocate for grid-connected solar PV as a major power source and to support stakeholders by providing international studies and technical knowledge. Moreover, we will offer expertise on PV integration for grid stability, digitalization and systems management, while promoting cooperation among renewable energy sources.

Task 19 activities will begin in early 2025 and are organized as follows

1Subtask 1 - National PV Targets vs Grid Capacity

Key questions addressed:

  • When is it cheaper to manage the “last” kWh through storage and other flexibility measures and when is a curtailment the most economical solution?
  • Which parameters influence these decisions and what is the
    sensitivity of these parameters?
  • Is it possible to anticipate a target situation (e.g. a 100% RES-energy system) and derive the need for the electricity
    grid-infrastructure from there in a back-casting method?
  • Is there a way to define a reasonable “PV-hosting-level”, which is needed in future to host the PV power in the distribution grid?
  • What is the role of flexible tariffs, local storages, local load
    management (HP, E-Mob., etc…) and a flexibility market
    regarding the integration of large PV capacities.
  • What are optimal frame conditions to push local power
    management and how should these future developments
    influence the necessary grid expansion plans.

Proposed overall outcome:

  • Overview of technical and economic concepts for a
    successful implementation of the national PV targets in the
    existing power network.
  • Development of templates for national “PV expansion”
    master plans.

2Subtask 2 - Rights and Obligations of Prosumers

Key questions addressed:

  • How to ensure a participation of Prosumers in the development of DER grid integration.
  • Integration of Prosumer expectations in the definition of the bill of rights and obligations.
  • Evaluation of existing and new regulatory rules and technical standards against the bill of rights and obligations of Prosumers.

Proposed outcome:

  • Template for national or even international bill of
    rights and obligations of Prosumers, expressed,
    for example, through an Aggregator Code of
  • Harmonized integration Prosumers with their
    distributed energy systems into the evolution
    towards a 100% RES based energy system.

3Subtask 3 - PV in the Smart Grid

Key questions addressed:

  • How can smart meter data effectively being used to increase the hosting capacity of distribution networks?
  • How to introduce smart inverters that optimize the utilization of solar energy for their customers with local DER integration and DSM?
  • AI applications in the operation of DSO networks with high PV penetration.
  • Cybersecurity has become an important topic also for PV systems.

Proposed outcome:

  • Opportunities and necessities for PV in intelligent power grids/smart grids.
  • Comparison of digitalization approaches and connected services for PV grid integration.
  • Guidelines for Cyber security measures for PV-systems.

4Subtask 4 - Registration and Commissioning

Key questions addressed:

  • Obligations do not reflect value and impact of PV system output.
  • Measures, demanded by the DSO, are not acceptable for the PV System investor.
  • Network operator processes are often not adapted to meanwhile quite high installation numbers.


  • Overview and comparison on international interconnection standards.
  • Processes for compliance testing.
  • Analysis of commissioning processes and best practice evaluation.
  • Potential improvements based on digitalization.
  • Monitoring requirements.

Proposed outcome:

  • Overview on evolution of international grid connection standards.
  • Best practice of approval procedures.

5Subtask 5 - Curtailment – Power Management


  • Collection of case studies on curtailment.

Proposed Outcome:

  • Field reports from implemented solutions in IEA countries and beyond.
  • Inverter / controller screening, list of optimal and available solutions.
  • Best practice and recommendations.

6Subtask 6 - New Inverter Capabilities


  • Collect case studies in member countries of
    demonstration and testing projects utilizing gridforming converters.
  • Review and compare grid codes and standards regarding the definition, test, and validation of gridforming features like inertia, fault support, and phase balancing.
  • Identify best-practices and develop recommendations, based on field experiences.

Proposed outcome:

  • Overview of solutions from research and development, Laboratory and field tests.
  • Recommendations.

7Subtask 7 - Aggregators, Local Markets and Energy Communities


  • What (technical) aggregator models are around (or
    discussed) globally?
  • Is there a “best practice” of existing Energy Communities
    concerning grid services, from which recommendations can be derived?
  • Evaluation of the experiences with local markets on the
    distribution level offering ancillary services.
  • Dynamic Operation Envelopes as a solution for future grid operation in (overloaded) distribution networks.
  • Interesting Aggregator models are around at least in Norway (PVPS workshop) and Australia (AEMO).
  • How can this be used in practice for a strong PV expansion?

Proposed outcome:

  • Analysis of Aggregator models and their services towards
    Prosumers and markets.
  • Overview on Energy Communities and the design of local
  • Best practice report and recommendations.

8Subtask 8 - Local Energy Management


  • Goal of this activity is to evaluate existing Energy Management Systems.
  • Existing standards for the interoperability of Smart Home devices and Distributed Energy Systems.

Proposed outcome:

  • Recommendations for broad application and further development of EMS.

9Subtask 9 - Energy Economy in a 100% RES Based Power System

Needs & challenges:

  • Create awareness about the timely different value of a PV
    produced kWh.
  • Introducing a significant difference in revenues depending on the time of production to create benefit to the profitability of local load management as well as different PV orientations.
  • Change in Energy market design with high share of renewable energy – Fixed feed in tariffs and compensation for curtailment will not continue.


  • Overview and comparison of new energy market design reflecting 100% RES based power system.

Proposed outcome:

  • Concept for a “Crash-course” Energy market for Prosumer and PV-Installer.
  • Analysis and evaluation of models with time dependent feed
    in tariffs up to the end consumer / residential PV operator.
  • Overview and evaluation of new energy market design.