Task 13 has published its report Dual Land Use for Agriculture and Solar Power Production: Overview and Performance of Agrivoltaic Systems

Task 15 has published the Analysis of Technological Innovation Systems for BIPV in Different IEA Countries

Task 13 has published the report Degradation and Failure Modes in New Photovoltaic Cell and Module Technologies

Task 15 has published two new articles on SHGC of BIPV Modules for Electricity-Generating Facades

Task 15 has published the new book Building-Integrated Photovoltaics: A Technical Guidebook

Task 17 has published the report PV-Powered Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Report: Requirements, Barriers, Solutions and Social Acceptance

Task 17 has published its Irradiance and Temperature Uniformity on Vehicle Roof Report

Task 14 and IEA Wind have published their Recommended Practices for Wind/PV Integration Studies, 3rd Edition