
IEEE PVSC – workshops

18 June 2019
Chicago, USA

Task 1 : Grid costs, barriers or drivers

Objectives: Costs of solar electricity have fallen so rapidly that new markets, applications and business models are being unlocked faster than is generally realised. With the increase of variable renewable energy and distributed generation, cost for grid has been discussed. This event will first discuss the development of the PV market, and discuss the various issues related to grid-cost in terms of economical view for self-consumption, grid design for hosting further variable electricity sources.

Program Slides

Task 17 : PV & Transport

Objectives: In order to mitigate CO2 emission in the transport sector, promoting electrified vehicles (EVs) is suggested as an effective option. Then, a mutual exploitation of PV and electrified vehicles with battery should be a key for reducing CO2 emissions in the transport sector. It is expected that a potential of PV market in the transport sector will be large and the market will be the next driving force for the further development of PV. In this session, possible approaches for ‘PV for Transport’ will be discussed after presentation by key experts in this field.

Program Slides