
Solar Resource Measurement Workshop

17 September 2021 - 16:00 - 17:30 CEST

Get a comprehensive, up-to-date overview on all aspects of solar resource measurement for different solar energy applications: starting with the equipment and design of an irradiance measurement station and continuing with best practices acquired during our panelists’extensive experience. This workshop addresses all users of solar resource data in the solar energy community: project developers, financers, plant design engineers, plant operators, policymakers, utility companies and others. In the first session of the workshop, expert panelists from the field of solar resource measurement will provide an overview of the topic.
Following the presentations will be time for discussion, and participants are encouraged to participate actively and ask questions to our panelists.

Program :

  • Introduction to IEA PVPS Task 16
    Jan Remund, Operating Agent PVPS Task 16 (Meteotest)
  • Introduction to SOLREV
    Birk Kraas (CSP Services)
  • Measurement stations for different solar energy applications
    Stefan Wilbert (DLR)
  • Measurement best practices
    Birk Kraas (CSP Services)
  • Benefits and lessons from implementation of solar measurement campaigns in developing countries
    Oliver Knight (World Bank)
  • Discussion on solar resource measurements
    Moderated by CSP Services