Workshop hosted by IEA PVPS Task 13 – Subtask 2.2 Agrivoltaics
Moderated by Max Trommsdorff, Fraunhofer ISE, Germany
The idea of combining agriculture and solar energy on the same piece of land has gained momentum globally. To promote the development of agrivoltaics, a growing number of governments around the world started to adjust the legal framework or implementing dedicated supporting schemes. Within this workshop, experts from France, Germany, Italy, and Israel will provide an overview on the legal environment for agrivoltaics in their countries. This offers the opportunity of a fact-based discussion on the problems and potentials regarding the expansion of this technology today.
Programme Outline:
Welcoming and Short Introduction of IEA PVPS of Task 13 Subtask 2.2
Max Trommsdorff, IEA PVPS Task 13 Subtask 2.2 Subtask Leader
09:15-09:50 (25 min talk + 10 min discussion)
Legal Aspects for Agrivoltaics in France
Bénédicte Laroze, KIAF, Germany
09:50-10:25 (25 min talk + 10 min discussion)
Legal Aspects for Agrivoltaics in Germany
Jens Vollprecht, BBH, Germany
Break (10 min)
10:35-11:10 (25 min talk + 10 min discussion)
Legal Aspects for Agrivoltaics in Israel
Mike Green, Arava EC&T Ltd, Israel
11:10-11:45 (25 min talk + 10 min discussion)
Legal Aspects for Agrivoltaics in Italy
Michele Pellegrino, Francesca Tilli, Stefano Amaducci, ENEA, GSE, UniCatt, Italy
Wrap-up & Closing
Max Trommsdorff, IEA PVPS Task 13 Subtask 2.2 Subtask Leader
Link to watch recording from workshop: