
5th IEA PVPS TCP’s Utility Workshop : Peer2Peer Electricity Trade

20 April 2020

This workshop – as a side event of the “Mission Innovation Austria Week 2020” examines the opportunities of Peer2Peer electricity trade as a promising market model for PV and other RES electricity, as well as offering a forum to experts active in Peer2Peer electricity trade to exchange their experience

One day Video-Conference in 2 parts

Via Gotomeeting – Conference-tool (link for participation will be sent in due time prior the meeting, participation simply by click on a link, no installation in advance needed)
This workshop examines the opportunities of Peer2Peer electricity trade as a promising market model for PV and other RES electricity, as well as offering a forum to experts active in peer2peer electricity trade to exchange their experience.


  • 9.00: Come together (with your own Coffee and cookies), technical adjustments, small talk
  • 9.30: Opening, Idea of this Workshop, schedule, targets (Hubert Fechner)
  • 9.45-10.00: Introduction of all participants
  • 10.00-11.15: P2P Organisations present themselves; general introduction, origin of the idea, business model, experiences up to now,… (each P2P organisation representative max. 3 minutes presentation, than question and answers total max. 10 minutes per organisation)


  • 11.15 – 12.45: Lunch Break (individually 😉


  • 12.45: Come together for the 2nd Session, technical adjustments, open issues from 1st session
  • 13.00-15.00: General Discussion: P2P initiatives and how they address the “social innovation” which is addressed in the European directive.
    • How to address the opportunities and challenges generated by jointly dealing with electricity generation and use?
    • How to convince people to participate in more democratic electricity production and consumption practices and, more in general, of social practices related e.g. to mobility, shopping, eating, housing, etc.?
    • What’s the role of technology – blockchain, smartmeter, …?
    • Where are the difficulties with regard to: the current market models and the regulatory structures, etc.


  • 15.00: Closing

Oral Questions after each presentation as well as in written form via the chatroom of gotomeeting will be possible.

Please fill following form for an optimal preparation. It would appreciated to get from each participant some words about his/her motivation why to participate, expectations, and recommendations for topics to be specifically addressed etc.

For a good technical quality during the Conference, please use a headset with microphone as well as please mute your microphone, when you do not speak.