
Degradation modes in new PV cell and module technology

06 October 2022 - 08:00-12:00
SAALBAU Griesheim, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Workshop from Subtask 1.1 of PVPS Task 13

CLICK LINKS on the presentation names to access presentation videos or slides.

08:15 Admission to the Workshop
08:30 Aim of the joint workshop and introduction to “Degradation modes in new PV cell and module technology” Marc Köntges, ISFH, DEU
08:40 Cell cracks of half cut cells and failures in shingled modules (click for video) Jay Lin, PVGuider, TWN
Ioannis Tsanakas*, CEA-INES, FRA
09:00 LeTID and LID for n-type and p-type Ga-doped cells in PV modules (click for video) Paul Gebhardt*, ISE, DEU
Peter Hacke, NREL, USA
Liu Haitao, IEE, CHN
9:20 Coffee Break                                                                 
09:35 Rear PID for PERC+, front PID for PERT & TOPCON Peter Hacke, NREL, USA
Ioannis Tsanakas*, CEA-INES, FRA
Julien Dupuis*, EDF, FRA
09:55 TOPCON and HJT cell degradation modes (click for video) Laura Bruckman, CASE, USA
Ziv Hameiri*, UNSW, AUS
10:15 HOT CELLS in PV modules (click for video) Marc Köntges, ISFH, DEU
Jay Lin, PV Guider, TWN
W. Herrmann, TÜV Rheinland Solar
10:35 Coffee Break                                                                  
10:50 Polymer degradations in PV modules (click for video) Gernot Oreski, PCCL, AUT
11:10 Perovskite and tandem degradation challenges and mitigation strategies (click for slides) Joshua Stein, Sandia, USA
Marc Köntges, ISFH, DEU
12:00 End of ST 1.1 Workshop