6Design and operation of modular photovoltaic plants for large scale power generation

Task Managers



Task 6 officially completed its activities in May 1998. The main objective of this Task was to further develop large-scale modular photovoltaic plants for peaking and long-term baseload power generation in connection with the medium-voltage grid. The Task 6 work was performed by structural engineers and PV industry experts.

Task 6 activities were organized as follows

2Subtask 2 Review of operational experiences in large-scale PV plants

The outcomes of these two subTasks were summarized in an internal publication containing the organized information collected through questionnaires. The final data elaboration was reported in a document entitled “A guidebook for practical design or large-scale power generation plant”.

3Subtask 3 Development of improved system design and operational strategies for large-scale PV plants

The reports produced under this subTask were used as an input for the workshop Design and Operation of Large-Scale PV plants. Experience and Perspectives, that was held in Madrid, December 1997 and concluded the Task activities.

4Subtask 4 Outlook of perspectives of large-scale PV plants

Two publications represent the outcomes of this subTask: the book “Review of Medium to Large Scale Modular PV plants Worldwide”, published in November 1997, and the proceedings of the workshop published in May 1998.