Task 6 officially completed its activities in May 1998. The main objective of this Task was to further develop large-scale modular photovoltaic plants for peaking and long-term baseload power generation in connection with the medium-voltage grid. The Task 6 work was performed by structural engineers and PV industry experts.
The outcomes of these two subTasks were summarized in an internal publication containing the organized information collected through questionnaires. The final data elaboration was reported in a document entitled “A guidebook for practical design or large-scale power generation plant”.
The reports produced under this subTask were used as an input for the workshop Design and Operation of Large-Scale PV plants. Experience and Perspectives, that was held in Madrid, December 1997 and concluded the Task activities.
Two publications represent the outcomes of this subTask: the book “Review of Medium to Large Scale Modular PV plants Worldwide”, published in November 1997, and the proceedings of the workshop published in May 1998.