Webinar workshop

Task 13 Workshop / Webinar

17 October 2024 - 09:00-12:00 (MST) / 17:00-20:00 (CEST)
Virtual & NREL Labs, CO, USA

Event Details:

  • Date: Thursday, 17 October 2024
  • Time:
    -09:00-12:00 (MST)
    -17:00-20:00 (CEST)
  • Venue: Virtual & NREL Labs, CO, USA,
  • Access:  Online attendees must register here.

Workshop Overview:

PV modules and systems are being deployed in a variety of environments and may face harsh conditions throughout their lifetime. A one-size-fits-all solution does not exist, and the design and operation of each PV system must be optimized considering the specific climatic conditions of the location. The “Adapting Solar PV Solutions for Climate and Applications” workshop, hosted by IEA PVPS Task 13 and NREL, will bring together leading experts to discuss the latest findings and provide recommendations on the optimization of PV module and system design and materials to the specific conditions of each environment. The workshop will include real-world experiences in regions facing climate challenges, as well as innovations in anti-soiling coatings and glass adaptation for PV systems.

Our proposed workshop will focus on 1) Adapting PV Modules for Specific Climate Conditions; and 2) Field Experiences from Different Climates.

Objectives of this workshop are:

  • Raise awareness of the different conditions in which PV systems are being deployed and of the risks associated with their specific stressors. Assess and disseminate strategies and field experiences for designing and siting climate-resilient PV systems.
  • Provide information of value to PV developers, insurers, investors, including climate-specific failure mechanisms and their root causes.
  • Engage in discussion, and solicit feedback, from key stakeholders.


Session Schedule:


Introduction to PVPS Task 13 Collaboration

Ulrike Jahn, IEA PVPS Task 13 Task Manager

Part 1: Adapting PV Modules for Specific Climate Conditions


Optimisation of module/system design for specific climatic and environmental conditions

Gabi Friesen, SUPSI, Switzerland                  


Adapting Module design and BOM for harsh climates

Gernot Oreski, PCCL, Austria                                               


Adapting Glass for various PV applications

Michael Pilliod, centraltension, USA 


Combined stress testing simulating different climatic conditions

Peter Hacke, NREL, USA

10:10-10:40                      BREAK

Part 2: Field Experiences from Different Climates


Anti-soiling coatings of PV modules for different climates

David Miller, NREL, USA


Degradation patterns and phenomena of backsheets from diverse climate zones

Laura Bruckman, CWRU, USA    


Experience with a high-altitude floating solar power plant

Andy Kaufmann, Romande Energie, Switzerland (Online)


Moderated Discussion
Leo Micheli, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy




Register here!